(RHB) Resilience & Hope Building

(RHB) Resilience & Hope Building

Resilience and Hope Building (RHB) workshops and groups provide an opportunity for youth to directly acknowledge trauma, hurt, and neglect in critical dynamics at home, school, and in their community. With the guidance of lived experience and credible messenger mentors, youth hear powerful testimonies on various topics and engage in transformative dialogue to not only learn to accept accountability but to begin the process of healing.

For youth needing enhanced intervention, this cognitive-behavioral curriculum uses evidence-based strategies to assist youth involved in the criminal justice system in making positive changes to their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Mentors emphasize real-world situations, experiences, and consequences to prevent expulsion, incarceration, relapse or addiction, or potentially fatal outcomes. These groups also serve to meet the conditions of probation and diversion.


Positive Decision Making

Youth explore the consequences of past decisions and begin to learn skills for controlling anger, handling negative peer pressure, working with authority figures, and strengthening family ties.

Anger Management

Youth assess the nature of anger and its various triggers, situations, types, and copping mechanisms. They take a deep dive into the consequences of anger on relationships, employment, and health. Youth learn about confronting denial, scapegoating, and accepting accountability.

Substance Use Behaviors

Youth examine the impact substance use has had on their lives and explore ways they can make changes to their alcohol and other drug use behaviors with the support of a plan for maintaining positive change.

Victim Awareness

Youth consider the idea of taking personal responsibility for their irresponsible and criminal behavior. They look at the ripple effect of their behavior on themselves, their victims, their victims' families, their families and their communities and consider ways to make amends for the harm they caused

Get in Touch

Reach out to us at Community Wraparound to learn more about our transformative programs and services. Let's work together to empower youth, build resilience, and transform lives. Contact us today!

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